
Polish Cheer Associations Join Forces

Last November marks the beginning of a new era in Polish cheerleading as the country’s two cheerleading associations sign a cooperation agreement to join forces in developing cheerleading in Poland.

Polish Cheerleading Sport Association and Polish Cheerleading Association signed an agreement “to unify the Cheerleading movement in Poland”. The agreement foresees cooperation in all aspects needed to grow cheerleading in the country.

The agreement represents a “historical moment for Cheerleading in Poland,” the Polish said upon releasing the news.

ECU welcomes the cooperation of its two members with much enthousiasm. 

“This is great news and I am looking forward to seeing the results of this cooperation!” ECU President Aljaž Britvič wrote on the occasion.

“You made a big step towards the mutual development of Cheer in Poland and this will be very beneficial for all of us, especially for your athletes,” he added.