ECL Scoring System

The ECL scoring system considers the fact that different ECL competitions are judged by different judges’ panels on different days and under different competition conditions. To be as impartial as possible, the ECL scoring system is placement based.

Teams participating in an ECL registered competition are automatically scored for the ECL final ranking.

There are three categories of points that teams can receive and that will be added together for each ECL competition:

1. Attendance Points

Any team that registers, shows up and competes at an ECL competition will receive 10 points, unless that team is disqualified.

2. Point System

  • 1st = 100 pts
  • 2nd = 90 pts
  • 3rd = 80 pts
  • 4th = 70 pts
  • 5th = 60 pts
  • 6th = 50 pts
  • 7th = 40 pts
  • 8th = 30 pts
  • 9th = 20 pts
  • 10th = 10 pts
  • 11th and lower = 0 pts

The 100-point system is what determines the points awarded for a team’s f inal placement. If a tie occurs at a competition, both teams receive the placement points. The team placed after the tie will receive the points of the placement two ranks lower.

Example: If there is a tie for 1st place and a team is the next highest after the tie, then this team will be awarded the points for 3rd place.

3. Placement Points

One (1) point will be awarded for each competitor, that a team outscores up to the 15th place. These points will be awarded for scoring higher than other teams in the division at an ECL competition.

Example: A team places 2nd in a division with 5 other teams in it. This team will receive 3 points for outscoring 3 other teams (3 x 1pts).

For teams that will travel abroad, their points will be counted triple in Placement Points per division.

Example: A foreign team places 1st in a division with 6 other teams in it. This team will receive 15 points for outscoring 5 other teams (5 x 3pts).

Teams from non-ECU members that are participating in an ECL competition are also considered when placement points are calculated. However, these teams do not receive any ECL points since they are not eligible to participate in the ECL.