International Łochów Cup (Poland)

2 December 2023 all-day
Hala Sportowo - Widowiskowa im. Mariana Dzięcioła w Łochowie
Wyspiańskiego 20
07-130 Łochów
Klub Sportowy Cheerleaders Iskra Łochów, Polish Cheerleading Sport Association
+48 501 661 683

International Łochów Cup will be also a celebration of 20 years of Iskra Cheerleading Club!

Place of competition – Hala Sportowo-Widowiskowa im. M Dzięcioła w Łochowie, Wyspiańskiego 20, 07-130 Łochów, Poland /85 km from Warsaw Chopin Airport/
We will held all ECL divisions and categories and some additional ones so everybody will find something for their team (from tiny to masters age categories).
ECU ECL divisions:
  1. Cheerleading – Team Coed Premier, Senior
  2. Cheerleading – Team All Girl Premier, Senior
  3. Performance Cheer – Team Cheer Freestyle Pom, Senior
  4. Doubles Cheer Freestyle Pom, Senior
  5. Doubles Cheer Hip Hop, Senior
  6. Cheerleading – Team Coed Elite, Junior
  7. Cheerleading – Team All Girl Elite, Junior
  8. Performance Cheer – Team Cheer Freestyle Pom, Junior
  9. Doubles Cheer Freestyle Pom, Junior
  10. Doubles Cheer Hip Hop, Junior
Additional divisions:
Cheerleading – All Girl/Coed teams and group stunts (Tiny L1, Minis L2&L3, Youth L3, Junior L4, Senior L5 )
Performance Cheer – Pom (Tiny, Minis and Youth) and Cheer Hip Hop & Cheer Jazz (Tiny, Minis, Youth, Junior and Senior)
Pom Dance – Tiny, Minis, Youth, Junior, Senior and Masters
We invite all international friends to join us and celebrate Iskra Cheerleading Club anniversary.
Early Registration till 31.10.2023  – 20 euro/per person
Every additional division + 10 euro/per person
Late registration 1 – 15.11.2023  – 30 euro/per person
Every additional division + 15 euro/per person
Contact person – Anna Polatowska-Zegar